Tuesday, March 31, 2009


First of all, Mom wants to apologize for taking 4 months to finally update my blog. I'd been asking her daily, but she kept prioritizing other things - silly Mommy - so here you go, starting with Georgia and going all the way back to Chanukah (where she had left off). You can see the post titles in the right column if you want to jump to your favorites. She PROMISES to be better about updating in the future :)

Here are some pictures from our Georgia trip in March.

Mommy had a steak!!!! Her first red meat in 5 years. It was at Ruby Tuesday's (believe it or not) and they had the nutrition information and it was low fat - she was SO excited, as you can see here :)

visiting with cousin Sarah

and cousin Scott

We went to the zoo! I had been here back in September, but had even more fun this trip. You can't really see this picture unless you click on it to enlarge it - but I didn't quite understand that I was supposed to stick my head through the hole, I just thought it was hysterical to see Mom & Dad on the other side :)

there is a picture of me on this exact statue that was taken 6 months earlier!

I love playgrounds :)

Look at me go!!!! :)

I officially walked!!

For our "southern drive" trip we started out in Virginia Beach and it was very monumental! On March 23rd I decided it was time to get over my fears and start officially walking! I took my first steps on January 18th (at my great-grandfather Poppa Joey's 95th birthday party, which was also the day he actually turned 95!) I also turned 13 months on that day! Daddy put me down and I just started taking a few steps... For the past 2 months I would take little steps here and there but I was definitely still crawling 90% of the time ;) Then 2 months later I decided it was finally time! Mommy attached a video at the end of this post so you can see my fancy footwork! Here are some other pictures from Virginia Beach as well.

Back in September of 2008, our Virginia Beach trip was where I had "real food" for the first time - banana! Then to take my first steps there 6 months later, in the same place, was very exciting :) 

about to enjoy some yummy pancakes!

the view from our hotel room :)


I'm always so sad when I get out of the pool...

but then I get happy when I realize I can go back in again!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

It's springtime :)

Slowly but surely it's starting to warm up, or least the snow has officially melted, in NY anyway! 

I love the bathtub, showers are my favorite cause you get to sit and play with the water as it falls all over you - what a great invention!!

Mom & Dad say this is the only time I help with my clothes, well duh, why would I want to sit still to have a diaper put ON, or a new "cute" outfit, tell me I'm going into the shower and I'll assist anytime!

Nana brought me this really cool remote controlled car - it's so much fun!!

and my rocking horse from cousin Meredith, also a favorite

spaghetti face :)

Grandma was tickling my feet...

Here I am playing with cousin Elliott in New Jersey. His swing looked so comfy, I really wanted to jump inside with him!

cousin Adrian

and Poppa Joey :)

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Ohio - visiting Lisa & Carly (and doing work too...)

We had a nice visit in Columbus, OH with Lisa - hung out on campus, did some shopping, played in the park and went to the zoo! We also went swimming and had fun playing with all my toys. Then we headed up to Cleveland, OH and visited with Carly. Mom had some classes & demo sessions in there too :)

I was very sleepy... this was actually my last trip in the infant car seat!

I LOVE pushing my stroller, I'm such a great helper!

I loved the park :)

Yay Obama!!

I was helping Aunt Lisa practice :)

and then called her after we left...

visiting Carly :)