Wednesday, October 22, 2008

San Francisco

October 15th-22nd we spent in San Francisco. I love visiting California for the beautiful sights, the nice weather and Mommy's favorite, Barney's Burgers!! (yup, you heard right, Mommy can order a turkey burger right off the menu! I think if she could smuggle them back in her suitcase she would!) October 17th was a very exciting day for Cousin's Amanda & Steve and Big Brother Adrian: Elliott Charlie was born! He is so adorable and I can't wait to meet him and share all my big boy secrets. For pictures of their newest addition, check out Cousin Adrian's blog on my links to the right, he was kind enough to post some photos there of his little brother. 

During my adventures in San Francisco I continued to enjoy new foods - Rice Chex, some new stage 3 fruits like Guava and chicken & carrot ravioli! (Gerber's graduates, not the real thing yet). I enjoyed the scrumptious ravioli at Sunset Park park, my favorite place to be here. I also wore sneakers for the first time and took a stroll down the path admiring the Golden Gate Bridge. I also swung in a baby swing for the first time, it was so much fun!! I couldn't stop laughing. 

I also went to my first pumpkin patch and admired the huge orange pumpkins and really tall sunflowers. We're on our way south right now, driving down the coast of California... stay tuned for more pictures of my travels. 

PS - I have recently mastered how to get out of my stroller... the other day I (silently) squiggled out under my food tray and somehow (Daddy has no idea how) ended up on the floor of Best Buy, Fisher Price keys in hand, belly down, big smile on my face, just watching the football game on one of their enormous TVs... needless to say Mommy & Daddy have made sure I'm buckled from now on. I have also become quite proficient at butt scooting, rolling, sitting up (almost from a flat position) and of course smiling - flirting with every person, or animal that walks by :)

flying to San Francisco

I love being flipped upside down, I laugh and laugh...

don't worry, we were parked

Happy Fall :)

bath time!

my first seesaw... Daddy's on the other side :)

I had so much fun I didn't want to stop

hello ravioli....


a little water break...

taking a walk in Sunset Park 

Mommy loves this picture!

a tasty nose snack!

I might be a dentist when I grow up...

I love being upside down :)

until next time... 

Mommy's Birthday!

On October 13th Mommy turned 27! Shhh... don't tell her I disclosed her age ;) She had a wonderful birthday because she was able to spend it with friends & family. It started with a Catskill girls serenade of Happy Birthday at midnight which preceded the karaoke version of "Since You've Been Gone," a true classic! Then the morning of the 13th she joined everyone at Mike & Rachel's wedding brunch to congratulate them on their marriage and was so excited, and seriously blushing, when she was serenaded with another round of Happy Birthday! Afterwards she got to spend a little time with Nana in Rhode Island before heading back home to meet up with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Jenny & GG Oma. Daddy, Mommy & I joined them for a birthday celebration dinner at our favorite Italian restaurant (the same place they had my baby shower!) good food, and "Mommy accommodating friendly" ;) Then we went back to our place for some yummy angel food birthday cake, a favorite among Mom & Aunt Jenny, a fat free delectable dessert! Afterwards the three of us continued the celebration and then eventually I kissed Mommy goodnight and a final Happy Birthday! (AKA I chewed on her face a little).

Mommy said I looked so handsome in my "grownup" clothes :)

I tried to help her put out the candles with my hand, but surprisingly she only let me watch from afar...

super baby!

don't ask... there was some extra drool, a wet onesie, I was mid-wardrobe change here...

Grandma was trying to play air guitar on my belly

big smiles with Aunt Jenny

I loved Oma's pretty necklace!

here is the handmade card I did for Mommy (with a little help from Daddy) but I held the pen the entire time! Apparently at the end of the card signing Daddy tried to take it away but I got upset, so instead of just signing "love Tyler" it ended up being "love Tyler John".... plus some pretty little squiggles

Daddy wanted Mommy to see the card and me at the same time :)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Mike & Rachel's Wedding

On October 12th Mommy's childhood friend Mike Arno got married to this really cool lady named Rachel. They are such an adorable couple. I love to play with them :) It was so much fun because everyone was there! I even got to hang out with Paige, who was my first play date when I was really little (ya know, the beginning of this year). It was great to see her again! (Mommy said if you'd like to see more wedding photos she posted additional ones on facebook).

Mike & Rachel at their rehearsal dinner

at the Cheesecake factory chewing on my delicious elephant, Paige & her Mommy Amanda are below
hanging out with Katie

chillin with Erin

Mr. & Mrs. Arno :)

Mommy & her Catskill girls

Mom & Dad all dressed up :)

husband and wife...

Paige & I standing face to face :)

yup, I was shoved, but no worries, I bounced back before I hit the floor and no hard feelings we still smiled at each other after the fact :)

Happy Birthday Mommy!! stay tuned for more birthday pictures...