First of all, we forgot to mention that last week I went to the doctor. It was a great visit up until..... the NEEDLES! damn vaccines!!??? There I was, totally oblivious, smiling at mom & dad and then BAM! that nurse stuck me in the thigh and boy did I scream! There were tears everywhere, me, mom, I had never screamed like that in my life, it was serious. Then finally when I started to catch my breath and regained vision in my teary eyes, BAM another needle! This went on 3 times - it was horrifying! Luckily I wasn't traumatized, because afterwards mommy & daddy gave me really BIG HUGS! I was quite sleepy and grumpy for a couple days, but it passed and now I can go to Africa?! right?? That's what those damn needles were for???? Other then the stabbings, the doctor's visit was great! It was my 2 month checkup and I weighed in at 11 lbs 11 ounces, 22 inches long with a 39.5 cm circumference on my noggin! That means my brain is growing :)
My big smiles & adorable cheeks have caused mom & dad to take, yet again, an abundance of pictures! Luckily for me I'm used to it by now. Blind from the flash, but used to it. So here are some other photos they wanted to share:
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