My speech has improved tremendously, Mom & Dad are so proud! I LOVE my speech therapist Michelle - she says I'm her favorite, but don't tell the other kids ;) I'm now sayings tons of spontaneous words & 3-4 word sentences! Mom & Dad still need to translate quite a bit for other people, but it's getting much better.
At the end of May I spent my first weekend away without them. I was visiting Nana in Rhode Island, while Mom & Dad went to Cape Cod to spend time with their friends. It was a great experience, both Mom & I did really well, lol I loved having all that time with Nana, we went to the zoo, did arts & crafts, played with toys...
In June we spent a weekend in Cooperstown with Grandma & Grandpa because Grandpa was the President of the NYS Podiatric Medical Association. We had a great time! I got to ham it up with lots of Grandma & Grandpa's friends & Mom sang the Star Spangled Banner to open the house!
Daddy's birthday was on the 12th, which was a lot fun (for him & me, lol)! We had a really nice family day together and then Mom & Dad went to Amy's wedding (congrats to them!) and Nana came over to babysit. We also spent a week in Boston this month, (a business/vacation trip) and we visited the Boston Aquarium (I LOVED the penguins, I kept demonstrating "happy feet" to them) and then we saw Mike & Rachel's new apartment before heading onto Rhode Island for some more family visits. Katie also had her bridal shower in Massachusetts then, which Mom attended, not me, but I saw pictures ;) Father's Day we spent in New Jersey visiting Poppa Joey and our aunt, uncle and cousins. We also planted flowers, for the first time, and I am sooo happy to say that they are still alive & well :)
In July I spent time at Grandma & Grandpa's house swimming in their pool. It was really cold the first time, but Aunt Jenny was brave enough to come in with me - we had soo much fun! Also this month we took a short trip to Pearl River, NY to meet up with Aunt Lisa. We just hung out at the hotel & swam in the pool, it was great! Then the next day we went to Long Island for Braeden's 3rd birthday!! I had so much fun visiting with all of his friends and playing with his cool toys! I can't wait to go back and visit him again. He will have a new sister in October, I can't wait to meet her! Mom & Dad also did a little pre-pre-school visiting this month, which was very exciting (and emotional for Mom) lol I can't wait until I'm old enough to go! According to New York State, I have to be at least 2.9 yrs old... geez. Mom & Dad also celebrated their 7 year wedding anniversary on the 27th of July & I spent my first night at Grandma & Grandpa's house. It was so much fun. Grandpa DVRd hours of "toddler approved" shows so I would have my choice that night during TV & Os :) I also met Carter this month, who is the adorable son of Evan & Kristen. Mom & Evan have been friends for a long time and hadn't actually seen each other in about 12 years!! I hope to get up to Albany again soon to play again.
August we got central air!!!! It wasn't present I could unwrap, but the first day it was up & running, instead of saying "Taco, hot house" (yup, I still call myself Taco...) I said "cool house, yay" Mom & Dad said it was the best investment ever, I'll have to take their word on that. Oma had her 93rd birthday on the 6th of August. It's amazing that there's 90 years between us, lol Jen Jen & Nana also had their birthday this month (theirs is the same day!) just means more cake for me ;)
Mom's friend from college, Erica had her engagement party in August too. It was so great to see everyone again (I was only a couple weeks old the first time we met) & to meet her wonderful fiance. This month was also really exciting because our friends Katie & Joe were married!!!! Not only did they invite me to their wedding (and I got to dance with the bride!) but I was the ring bearer :-) I made a really nice friend named Addie who was the beautiful flower girl. We both did a great job walking down the isle and had so much fun dancing together all night... until we both were too tired and then I was passed off to Nana while Mom & Dad had some "adult time" with their friends, lol
I also met Dylan recently, he is the son of Michelle, my speech therapist. Dylan and I had so much fun! He is only 1 month older and he loves to play with the same things I do - CARS! :) Also in August, I went to the Ulster County Fair and enjoyed the rides for the first time and LOVED them. It was one of the most exciting moments of my life, lol The adults loved watching my excitement as I experienced all of them for the first time!
Carly, Dyan & Larry (long time family friends) came for a visit in August too, it was exciting showing them all of my toys! We also had our Rhode Island family visiting last weekend and this weekend our Jersey family is coming up! Then next weekend we have some of our friends coming for a visit. Whoa, have we packed it in?! It's going to be so much fun! We also had a trip down to Jersey last week and had the chance to see Poppa Joey as well!
Mommy & Daddy have been enjoying every minute of the summer with me. Mom's schedule is much less hectic then it used to be and I get to spend so much time every day with each of them - it's wonderful! ♥
Below are some recent photos of my adventures!
Rhode Island family visiting:
Nick & Greg
Visiting Poppa Joey in New Jersey
Katie's Wedding!
the Dormans visiting
Playdate with Dylan!
Erica's engagement party
Playdate with Carter
Arts & Crafts with Mommy :)
Braeden's Birthday Party!!
In Pearl River w/ Aunt Lisa
Visiting cousins in New Jersey... beep, beep
Daddy's Birthday!
@ the Otesaga in Cooperstown
w/ Grandma & Grandpa
Swimming in Catskill with Aunt Jenny :)
Happy Birthday Jen Jen!!
Happy 93rd Birthday Oma!!!!
Ulster County Fair w/ Grandma & Grandpa
As you can see, it was an awesome summer! ♥