Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

I celebrated my first Thanksgiving and it was very exciting because it was the first holiday where I could actually eat the REAL FOOD! Turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, lasagna, the list goes on... I ended my night with a littler Gerber baby food, but hey, I had the real thing at the table ;) We celebrated in Catskill and it was so nice to have Mom & Dad, both Aunts, Grandma, Grandpa and Oma and of course the doggy all there! Daddy some how managed to avoid most of the pictures, he's not quite sure why, but promises to make up for it at my birthday party (tomorrow!!). 

We started a new tradition of reading a Thanksgiving book -"Thanks For Thanksgiving" by Julie Markes and going around the table having everyone say what they were thankful for. Then at the very end of the book there's a spot for me to write what I'm thankful for. This year I was thankful for Mom, Dad, being able to crawl, my little walker so that I can walk "by myself" and all the rest of my family. 

Another new exciting milestone to share. I can now point out on Mommy & Daddy where their nose, eyes, mouth & ears are. We're working on the rest of the body parts ;)

Gobble, gobble....

how relaxing... sticking out my tongue is my newest thing, Mommy thinks it's because it feels funny on my teeth that are coming in (5 new ones coming in up top!)

looking at the fish with Grandma 

my super cool walker! 

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I can walk with the walker by myself!

Yes, I did it, I'm so proud :) Tonight I took off doing laps up and down the hallways, just me and the walker. Mom & Dad weren't too far behind to cover up corners and provide encouragement. We have a cool video of the event, but unfortunately it doesn't want to upload and Mommy needs to get to bed for turkey day tomorrow. She'll try again soon. Anyway, it was so exciting! Here are a few pictures from the past couple days:

this is my excited face :)

Cousin Jack was up in Albany with Lori who was attending a class here, so we got to meet up for lunch. It was my first time meeting him and he was so much fun! 

Sunday, November 16, 2008

First snow storm

I guess at my age every other experience is a first, but this one was pretty simple, yet really cool. Of course, being born in December I had my share of snow storms but I was always too little to actually admire the white puffy flakes. Well, it's a blizzard out there today, so we snuck out when it wasn't too heavy so that I could touch the falling snow. I can't wait until it's piled up nicely on the ground so that I can jump in it (completely covered from head to toe of course!)

I'm crawling!!

Yes, I did it, I crawled!!! I'm so proud of myself. It happened on November 14th here in Michigan. Mom, Dad and I were hanging out watching TV (ironically, we were watching Jon & Kate plus 8) and I just decided 'okay, I'm going to crawl now' so I started doing this little froggy maneuver and before I knew it, I was off! Mom quickly jumped down to the floor in excitement in front of me and Dad stayed behind to watch my cute little legs move one after the other. I crawled across the room to Mom who's eyes were filled with tears.

This video is from this afternoon - look at me go :) Mom thinks it's funny how I just start crawling now whenever they put me down as if I've been crawling for years... 


So work brought us to the flat lands of Ohio this month and it was great because we got to see Aunt Lisa and our friend Carly. Neither of whom we had seen since June! You can imagine the withdrawal Aunt Lisa was going through... We're aware that there are a lot of pictures of me and Aunt Lisa but we had to make up for lost time :)

me and Aunt Lisa!

this cup was used at my baby shower..

I am officially the glasses inspector

it was chilly out...

my first encounter with crunchy leaves - how fun!

I'm also a hair dresser...

what, you want a turn? you just pull here...

Lisa's apartment at school

visiting with Carly :)

we're stylin'...

we're in Michigan here about to go into the indoor pool at the hotel - look at my cool new Speedo!

and awesome flotation vest!

I love the water :)

fun, but tiring...

and here I am getting my teeth brushed - I have 2 teeth right now with 3 more coming in!!